Now that I know where my outfit is from and the type of countries that produce them, it's time to focus in. To do this I'm going to focus now on my Old Navy jeans. I'm going to show you the area in which they are made.
My super cute skinny jeans were made at Refat Garments Ltd. in Tejgoan, Dhaka, Bangladesh. (23.7583°N, 90.3917°E) 
This is Hatir Jheel Lake.
This is a picture taken a few blocks down from the factory.
This is a bridge near the Hatir Jheel Lake.

At first I thought all people in these area's where our clothes are made live in scum and dirt, but when I saw the beautiful view in Tejoan it made me realize that we far too often stereo type other counties and it is really important to research  and look for the right answers. 

Sites: Google maps and
My classmates shared where there outfits were made also!
A lot of the countries you see in the photo above are in Asia. Since I saw that block of those countries I thought it wound be interesting to find out why this was the outcome of our data. after a little research I was brought to the fact that maybe these countries were picked to be the manufacturers was because of their cheap labor.

Population is 'the number of people living in a country'. China had a population of 1.35 billion. If you think about America and our population, 316 million, which is in need of jobs, think about China. There are so many people there striving for jobs that they will take any job that they can get a hold of. Population Density factors into this also. Population density is 'the number of people living in a an area of a specific size.'  This factors in because you can only have oh so many sweat shops/factories in a certain amount of space. China's population density is 140, compared too Americas which is 88. So people are constantly need jobs. HDI is their quality of life and its low. HDI basically tells you if the country is developed or developing. In this case china is developing with a HDI of .699 when America has a HDI of .900. Going back to cheap labor, the salary of the workers doesn't have to be much because people will take any thing as I have mentioned before. 

China has a high population and population density. which means china has a lot of mouths to feed. And Since there HDI is low people are going to take any job they can. This all goes back and connects with cheap labor.

Here are a list of all the different Countries: 
China, U.S.A, India, Finland, Thailand, The Dominican Republic, Netherlands, Bangladesh, Japan, Vietnam, South Korea, Pakistan Cambodia, Indonesia, and Mexico.
I couldn't fit this map in with my first post!!! Sorry!!!
 Here is the map of the places were my outfit was made!!!
In class we were given an assignment to list were all the different pieces of my outfit came from. At first I thought my out fit was going to mostly from china, but i was surprised with these facts...

Here are some interesting facts about the different parts of my outfit:
Made in the USA. I got it from Gordmans. The brand was Kim and Cami
Shoes: Made in Vietnam. I also got these from Kohls. they were converse.
Jeans: Made in Bangladesh. I got these from Old Navy. the brand was old navy.
Tank top: Made in Cambodia. I got this from Old Navy. The brand was old Navy.

Here are some questions that i would like to be answered about my outfit...
1. what factory was my shirt made in?
2. Who made my shirt?
3. How did they make the different parts of my outfit?
( I think most of the parts were made by machines. )
4. What city in the U.S was my shirt made in?
5. What city were my jeans made in?
6. What factory was my tank top made in?
7. How many people work at that factory?
8.Who made my shoes and what are the living conditions like in that country?
( I picked this question because i think it would be interesting to find out if its more of a 3rd world country that the clothes were made in or a place like the U.S. )
9.Who made the material for the outfit?
10.Were did they make the material?


    I am a high school student, making this blog for My World cultures class. Even though all of these post are assignment i want to always go a little farther than that and really tell people how I feel about the subject.


    September 2013
    August 2013

